Ancient woodlands are complex communities, with trees at their heart; they envelop your senses, encouraging you to slowly absorb what you see and feel, they wake your subconscious, and inspire reflection. This body of work is a personal response to a dynamic landscape, both internally and externally.
The photography transforms abstract ideas in my subconscious into something concrete, via a visual representation of another subject, positing an ancient woodland as a visual metaphor for community.
Though humans provoked the concept of the work, they are not evident in the images. The local community often disharmonious and driven by difference, in contrast with the harmonious characteristics the woodland society. Inherent qualities like cooperation, support, diversity, resilience, inclusion, networking, mutual exchange, and adaptation, could be beneficially adopted in many human communities.
An observer of her neighbourhood, well known and accepted for many years, the photographer finds in common with others that incomers here are never adopted as local, no matter how long passes or their contribution to the community. This story is common across the world.
What lies here beneath the willing emerald wrapping, accepting their collective realm?
What lies elsewhere beneath community spirit, concealed but festering?
To read more of the poetry that accompanies this series please contact the photographer